The Plurality of Belonging & Homelessness Series
This 3-part series featuring Kris Black, Alex Iantaffi and Guilaine Kinouani seeks to explore the dynamics of privilege, power and oppression within ourselves and the therapeutic relationship. The overarching framework will be from an intersectional and anti-oppressive perspective.
These events aim to unfold experiences of the multiplicity of identities that are often 'othered', do not fit neatly into diversity tick boxes, and search for an internal and external sense of belonging and rootedness. Through discussions on trauma, race, gender, sexuality, migration, class, disability, housing status, relationship diversity and more we will navigate how staying with these topics are imperative within the therapy room, our own healing process and within a social justice context.
Part 1 with Kris Black
Kris will be laying the foundations of the event with an introduction to Intersectionality, followed by a conversation with RTN founder Sage M Stephanou. Kris and Sage will be reflecting upon the importance of language and how terms used within and beyond this event hold pertinent meaning which risk becoming appropriated. There will also be discussion about the lived experiences of living and working at the intersections of multiple identities.
The event will then open up to offer you space to reflect on the first part of the session through a facilitated reflective art making process. This will be followed by smaller group sharing, and ending with a whole group discussion/sharing.